Here Comes the Rain Again (Maybe)


Well, here I am again, one week away from the Boston Marathon. It seems like the past few months have just flown by. All the work has been done. Now I just need to manage to not get sick or injure myself doing something stupid like tripping over one of Natalie’s toys between now and April 15th.

With the one week mark comes frantic monitoring of the weather forecast and constant speculation about what it will be like on race day. People started texting me updates as early as two weeks ago, and I didn’t pay attention to them, knowing that the fickle New England weather can turn on a dime (it was predicting 65 and sunny). But one week out, even though you know it can change, you have to start getting ready for what might happen. And what they are saying might happen is rain.

I actually LIKE running in the rain. Not freezing cold torrential downpour rain like last year’s marathon, but a little drizzle with a temperature in the low 50s is actually pretty pleasant. Here is the deal, though. Part of why I wanted a “do-over” for the Boston Marathon was because I didn’t feel I did my personal best in 2018, but a bigger reason was that I didn’t feel like I had had the “true” Boston Marathon experience because the crowds weren’t out in full force all along the course due to the miserable conditions. It’s going to be such a bummer if that happens again. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed for my dream conditions of 45 and overcast, but I’m preparing for low 40s and storm clouds.

There is so much to think about this week on top of everyday life things.  Our scheduled runs are low mileage and easy and meant to keep our bodies loose for race day, so I need to get those all in. I had a chiropractor appointment today and I have PT tomorrow where they will basically massage the heck out of my calves with a Graston tool (a little torture device designed to get deep into your tissue) and laser my shins to help me continue to fend off the shin splints that had been bothering me so much a few weeks ago. I’m focusing on nutrition and eating clean and will start to carb load at the end of the week. I’m getting all my gear ready; I have outfits prepared for warm weather, cold weather, and rainy weather because, well…NEW ENGLAND. I decided to not wear my new blue Vaporfly 4%s because they don’t feel as good as my old orange ones did and will be wearing my new Brooks Adrenalines which have been like heaven to run in the last few weeks. I have stocked up on my race day nutrition and anti-chafe lotion, loaded playlists for during my run, tested out my old rain gear from last year, bought disposable ponchos online, etc. etc. etc. I’m ready to do this thing.

What I’m NOT ready for is the emotional letdown that comes after training ends. We had our last group run on Saturday and it was tough realizing I’m not going to get to see these amazing people every week anymore.

Last year I remember experiencing a real sense of loss a couple of days after the Marathon. Although I have 2 more marathons to look forward to (one 13 days after Boston), I know that when I wake up on April 16th, I’m going to feel a little bit empty because this little bubble we created for the 2019 Boston Marathon will be no more. Running has been my lifeline for the past few months and especially over the last three weeks during some extra tough times. My teammates, particularly my dear friend Rebecca, have carried me through some low spots physically and emotionally. I’m so grateful for these amazing people and what we have shared over the last few months.

There is a quote that my friend Carolyn sent to me before Boston last year: “I dare you to train for a marathon and not have it change your life.”* For me, these words could not resonate more right now. There is a quiet confidence that comes from knowing you pushed yourself beyond your limits and emerged on the other side in one piece. It is hard to explain the way it pours into the previously empty spaces and makes you realize you deserve more, you can do more, you can be more. And you can take on the rain, whether it’s just a little drizzle, or a full blown Nor’Easter.



Thanks to a generous and dear old friend, I have a donation coming in that will get me over my $15,000 goal for my Boston Children’s Hospital fundraising for the Boston Marathon. If you would still like to help a great charity, please consider making a donation to my fundraising for the London Marathon and the charity Sense here:  Sense Charity Donation or if you would like to stick with Boston Children’s, I would greatly appreciate a contribution toward my NYC marathon fundraising here: Boston Children’s Donation. Thank you so much! 

*Susan Sidoriak





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